It have been many cases of pro-euthanasia fighting, but one of the most courage one, was the led by Jack Kervorkian, in the 90s. He was a retired pathologist from Michigan, and he introduced the concept of assisted suicide, wich means help to someone with a terminal disease and suffering, to die. Kevorkian said many times that he was a a great doctor, and that he was giving a service to those whose asked him for it. In the 90s, he ended the lives of approximately one hundred thirty people. He was prosecuted and convicted on Thomas Youk`s case, by second-degree murder. What really happened was that He shows by TV the assisted suicide of Thomas Youk, and that angered to the goverrment. Many times we have seen goverment supporting conservatives groups: Goverment should be supporting the majority, and I`m sure majority approve assisted suicide.
In my case, I`m agnostic, so, I don`t have real problems about euthanasia or any kind of this matters. Instead, I defend freewill, I think people should be able to choose their destiny in any case and context. In fact, terminal disease or physical pain should not be what determines if a doctor can helps or not to someone to die painlessly.