domingo, 3 de abril de 2011

You Don´t Know Jack

Every time I see a movie, one of the most inevitable factors to determine if is it good or not, is how identified I am with something on the movie. On "You Don´t Know Jack", everything makes seems familiar.
The subject matter, the enviroment, and specially, Jack and his cause.

Jack Kevorkian was an Armenian-American pathologist, best known as "Doctor Death", because in the nineties, he assisted at least 130 patients to die. Jack always defended the self-determination idea, weather the patient was suffering a terminal disease or not.

Well, this movie tries to re-live the period when Jack practised "assisted suicide", and defends legally what he called a "medical cause" or "medical service", to with he felt absolutely committed. So commited that he practised direct euthanasia, trying to involve the country on his consequent judgment, and with no legal representation.

All the movie is focuses on Kevorkian, who is -by the way- personified by Al Pacino, who is one of my favorite actors. Pacino allows you to follow the story and understand Kevorkian´s personality.

On the movie you can understand Jack´s private reasons to be an intense protestant. On his youth, Kevorkian´s mother suffered a terrible disease, wich made him feel useless. It was watching that agony, that suffering, made him think about euthanasia.

Maybe, if you are an action-movie guy, this reflexive movie will never captivate your attention in the first place, but if you calm down, you´ll find a nice topic to think.

1 comentario:

  1. Robert, please select English as your working language, because it's a blog in English ...
