miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2011


On modern society, we witness every kind of new ideas and ways of living, and both try to be legitimate and be recognize by the world. Euthanasia is one of this new ideas, and as I said, is trying to be legal on anywhere.
It have been many cases of pro-euthanasia fighting, but one of the most courage one, was the led by Jack Kervorkian, in the 90s. He was a retired pathologist from Michigan, and he introduced the concept of assisted suicide, wich means help to someone with a terminal disease and suffering, to die. Kevorkian said many times that he was a a great doctor, and that he was giving a service to those whose asked him for it. In the 90s, he ended the lives of approximately one hundred thirty people. He was prosecuted and convicted on Thomas Youk`s case, by second-degree murder. What really happened was that He shows by TV the assisted suicide of Thomas Youk, and that angered to the goverrment. Many times we have seen goverment supporting conservatives groups: Goverment should be supporting the majority, and I`m sure majority approve assisted suicide.
In my case, I`m agnostic, so, I don`t have real problems about euthanasia or any kind of this matters. Instead, I defend freewill, I think people should be able to choose their destiny in any case and context. In fact, terminal disease or physical pain should not be what determines if a doctor can helps or not to someone to die painlessly.

miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2011


Travel themes have been talk in different times and cultures, because it is something with a deep psichological meaning. You just have to think that all your childhood, the first experiences, has been thought in a stable and continuos place, and the travel means get lost your safety.

Anyway, travel can be an amused and enjoyable experiences too, and that's what I'm going to talk now.

Have you ever thoght about your favorite place to go? Or your favorite lanscape? Well, I have. Just think about it, all your life you've seen every kind of things, places, animals, buildings, people, whose aren't in your country, it's so obvious that you will want to see all this things. Me, for example, I would like to meet Japan, I don't know, their culture amuse me in so many ways. Manga, anime, films, tradition, food, everything is so different there, I've always been excited to go.

I born in Venezuela, but when I was 2 years old, I traveled to Chile, and I've never returned, so, I don't remember anything, then when people ask me, if I'm afraid of planes, or wich is the farthest country I've ever been, I say, I don't know and I don't remember.

So, if I dismiss my Venezuela episode, I've not been in other country, and the farthest place I know from Chile, is Caldera, wich is in the north. It's beautiful there, on tv shows one of its beachs, “playa blanca”, the name it's because of the color of the sand.

Another city that I would like to visited, is San Francisco. I've heard so many from there, like it is a progressive on politics and ways of living. It is an excellent option too.
Well friends, I would like to know about places you would like to visited, see you soon!

miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2011


When people think about mass medias, maybe the most illustrative of them it's cinema. I think the reason it is related to diversity on film industry. Imagine you are six years old, would you like to read news? Or enough comfortable surfing on internet? Of course not, because that mass medias are made to adults, and children are excluded of it. So, what's left is cinema, because there is films for children. In fact, who wasn't influenced by the lion king or “la bella y la bestia”?

Nowadays, people watch films all the time, because the industry it's more big than ever. Cinema it's until today an attractive way to watch films because of the cuality of the screen, and popcorns and I guess that many other reasons like the eventuality related to family or weekend. Personal, I'm not a fun of cinema, because it's so spensive and commercial films don't amused me so much. Instead, I Like watch films on internet, because I can really choose what I'm gonna see. Another advantage, it's free.

I've seen chilean films, and some are good, but none of them hit me on real. I also said that I'm nor a fun of commercial movies, but there always exceptions, and Happiness is one of it. It's not exactly commercial, but there's famous actors on it, like Phillip Seymour Hoffman, who and extraordinary american actor. It's directed by Todd Solondz, who made only independent films, that's why this films it' not so fancy or commercial. I really recommend this film, It's the best introduction to under and dissident cinema.

What I really hate about films, it' s how stupid could be sometimes. The reason it's how commercial has become this industry. There's films about the most superficial topics, like boys and girls who wants drink by first time, that's so typical of american films.

Everyone have thought their lifes like a story, and that's the cell of a film, and if I would choose when kind of film to show my life, it would be like an independent film, because of the caracter that use to express, wich always criticize the modern society.

miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2011

How I feel about studying in summer

The only idea of write about this topic bothers me. For one side I always supported the movement, without participating, but I never doubt about its importance.

Maybe everybody say that is the prize for our fight and even logical, but it isn`t, it isn`t logical, it isn`t fair, and it wasn´t because of the movement, it`s because of state violence that we were six months without classes, because they didn´t want to change anything.

So, maybe it sounds like I`m talking about sometimes else, bout I think this is the most important argument about this all situation. Sucks be on classes in summer, but sucks more that everybody think that we`re the only guilty of our current situation.

Maybe I will have to read a book and drink champange at the same time, and its not so funny, but it`s less funny the people who looks me going university and believe that it`s just a shame.