lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

Foucault and Dissent

Maybe It can looks like a cliché, but I`m powerful attracted by protestant intellectual protestants. I don`t know, maybe because all my life I didn`t feel in my place, so in some moment I just stay apart. When I took that way, I finally feel on my place, and I find some guys like Michel Foucault. He was a French philosopher, a social theorist, who worked almost all the time with underprivileged persons.

His theory about Power and its effects, it was a revolution in any field from social science. I`ve been in particulary interested on his psychiatry critique, wich cans be moved to psycology in many ways.

Foucault`s biography cans explain why He worked the power topics, his nature and his camouflaged expressions. Like a sexual and political dissident, He felt the obligation to contribute, and He did it in theoretical and practices. Why practices? Because He was an activist, taking part in famous protests, like may 68´protests.

For Phychologists, there´s two important books to be readen. One of them is History of Madness, wich is amazing in a erudite form. And the other one is The Psychiatric Power, wich is about mechanisms of power on history of psychiatry.

2 comentarios:

  1. I don`t know much of Focuault, but I read one text written by he and are very interesting his ideas of the power.

  2. Very interesting this Foucault and his power issues ... I think I'll read more about it.

    You should say:

    important books TO BE READ

    The verb READ is an irregular verb which keeps the spelling but changes the pronunciation. /ri:d/ in the present, and /red / in the past and past participle form.

    Nice post. I liked the way you structured it.
